使用 ZV-1 隨時隨地拍攝的秘訣 @jecuteh0916

by He Jen Huang

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「我之所以選擇 ZV-1 相機,是因為它體積袖珍。方便攜帶外出,對女性來講是一大福音。」

He Jen Huang 是一名來自台灣的女演員,她喜歡隨時隨地用袖珍的 ZV-1 相機拍攝美食,並打造引人入勝的美食影片。



He Jen 背景簡介

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使用 ZV-1 隨走隨拍

I use the ZV-1 camera because it’s small and compact. It's very convenient to take out, especially for ladies. Although it’s small, its photographic and videographic functions should not be underestimated.

For example, its autofocus speed is very fast and the video quality surprised me a lot. I can easily create beautiful scenes and videos with the ZV-1 camera.


我喜歡的 ZV-1 優點

Another thing that surprised me is how good the audio quality is. This is because of the camera’s built-in directional 3-capsule mic which allows for clear audio quality.

Overall, the ZV-1 camera has improved my videography a lot despite its small size.


使用 ZV-1 紀錄美食日

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