使用 ZV-1 打造絕妙魅力影片 @kimdaoblog

by Kim Dao

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Kim Dao shares her unique world with YourZVStory
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Kim Dao 是一名澳洲內容創作者,喜歡使用不同的功能,打造迷人的背景散焦效果。



Kim Dao 背景簡介

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Though I create all sorts of content, beauty videos are one of the main things I do and it can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, the ZV-1 camera has a feature called Product Showcase that makes this process much faster. All I have to do is turn it on and any product that I put in front of the camera will immediately come into focus. Doing this will also create a beautiful bokeh effect in the background.

Impressed? Here are some other cool features that I’d love to share with you guys:

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使用 ZV-1 獨立拍攝故事內容

I make a wide range of content! This includes travel, vlogs, lifestyle, beauty, fashion and even gaming videos. Thanks to the ZV-1 camera, I can now easily juggle between all these types of content.

As a content creator, I generally have to film everything by myself. I don’t have a crew to help me. But that’s okay because the camera has an array of features that can help vloggers like me create on the go. It is such a user-friendly camera that anyone can just pick up and use.

ZV-1 是最適合影音部落格作者使用的相機

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