用 ZV-1 記錄都市生活 @nehascape

by Neha Rathi

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「我喜歡儘量拍下能引起共鳴的內容,而 ZV-1 相機小巧易用,正好幫到我。」

Neha Rathi 分享怎樣在經常吹起大風的三藩市保持影片內容清晰可聽。



關於 Neha

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I’ve been living in San Francisco for a few months and balancing out my full-time 9-to-5 job with my digital content creation life. I like to keep my content as relatable as possible and the ZV-1 camera allows me to do just that because of its compact size and ease of use.

While I’m out and about in the windy city of San Francisco, the fuzzy mic windscreen really helps with the video quality in my daily vlogs.

If you are a budding content creator like me, don’t focus on creating the next viral content – create what you love!

I would suggest being as authentic as possible and focusing on consistency in the beginning to build a reliable and long-term audience.


用 ZV-1 拍下都市景色

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