Menciptakan Video Indah dan Luar Biasa dengan ZV-1 @kimdaoblog

by Kim Dao

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Kim Dao shares her unique world with YourZVStory
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"Kamera ini sangat ramah pengguna dan bisa diambil dan digunakan siapa pun."

Kim Dao, seorang kreator konten dari Australia, menggunakan berbagai fitur untuk mendapatkan efek bokeh yang indah di latar belakang.



Sekilas Tentang Kim Dao

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Tips Mudah untuk Video Kecantikan

Though I create all sorts of content, beauty videos are one of the main things I do and it can be very time-consuming. Fortunately, the ZV-1 camera has a feature called Product Showcase that makes this process much faster. All I have to do is turn it on and any product that I put in front of the camera will immediately come into focus. Doing this will also create a beautiful bokeh effect in the background.

Impressed? Here are some other cool features that I’d love to share with you guys:

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Mengabadikan Kisah Tanpa Bantuan, dengan ZV-1

I make a wide range of content! This includes travel, vlogs, lifestyle, beauty, fashion and even gaming videos. Thanks to the ZV-1 camera, I can now easily juggle between all these types of content.

As a content creator, I generally have to film everything by myself. I don’t have a crew to help me. But that’s okay because the camera has an array of features that can help vloggers like me create on the go. It is such a user-friendly camera that anyone can just pick up and use.

ZV-1 Sangat Cocok untuk Vlog

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